Thursday 11 April 2013

Developing Healthy Eating Habits!!

I found a great video for all of you to help develop some great eating habits!

Check it out and let me know what you think of these steps! If you agree or disagree please comment below and tell me what you think.

-Angelo Anor

Vanilla Greek Yogurt = Excellent Pre-Workout Meal

Recipe: 1 cup non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt and 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
Best for: Muscle building and circuit training. For endurance, add a banana. Consume 30-60 minutes before exercise.
Calories: 173; Protein: 14 g; Fat: 0.5 g; Carbs: 28 g; Sugars: 22 g

Greek yogurt is basically made by straining ordinary yogurt to remove the whey, resulting in a thicker, creamier product. Compared to regular yogurt, Greek yogurt has almost double the protein, fewer carbs and half the sodium. Both types are considered to be good sources of calcium, but regular yogurt has about three times the amount of Greek yogurt. Plain, non-fat versions of Greek and regular yogurt have similar calorie counts per serving and contain similar quantities of beneficial probiotics. Ditch the flavored yogurt varieties that have added sugar and add your own fruit instead.

Also, remember .. Stretch before you workout!

- Alessandro Gonzales

Wednesday 10 April 2013

For all you hardcore muscle builders!

This is Mike Chang, he's the #1 Most Subscribed Fitness Channel on YouTube.

For more videos about different types of work outs, come visit his channel at

- Alessandro Gonzales

Monday 8 April 2013

Big Arms Fast 101

Whats up everyone ;)

Ever notice when someone asks you let me see your muscles most people lift the sleeve of their shirt to show their arms. This is why in gyms you see people concetrating on getting their arms bigger. To get bigger arms you must train your bicep and triceps muscles. People often make the mistake of focusing on just the bicep, which is all wrong.  This is because the tricep muscle makes up two thirds of the upper arm!

To get bigger arms and fast, focus on tricep muscle, any exercises that keep your upper arm stationary and extend your forearms away from the core of your body will build your triceps. Here are some great workouts to target your triceps, and a link to some amazing workout routines.
  • Bench dips
  • Bench press, regular or close grip
  • Cable Rope, pull down or overhead extensions
  • Push ups 
  • Elliptical machine
  • Swimming
Vitamin L.......

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Great Advice

Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
- Earl of Derby

Sincerely, Vitamin L :) 

Monday 1 April 2013

AB Cycle

Hello everyone, Happy April Fools :)

The best AB work-out for a flatter belly is the "AB Cycle." I would like to share this work out routine with you all. It is very simple and effective. 

1. Lie face up on your mat and place your hands behind your head
2. Bring the knees in to the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the floor
3. Rotate to the left, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee as you straighten 
the legs
4. Switch sides, bring the left elbow towards the right knee
5. Continue rotating sides for 3 sets of 12 reps.
       Sincerely, Vitamin L

Thursday 28 March 2013

Mother Nature has it Right!

 “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates, The Father of Medicine

Vitamins are not a substitute for a healthy diet. It is important to keep in mind that synthetic formulations are containing amounts micronutrients that are exceeding our daily recommended amount and are not being absorb by our bodies properly.

Our bodies are designed to obtain vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. It is also essential to maintain a healthy diet and to eat fruits and vegetables because they contain phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in plant foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grain products and legumes. Phytonutrients may help prevent disease and keep our bodies working properly.

Multivitamins cannot contain all of the phytonutrients because they have not all been discovered by scientist. There is an estimate that there are over 10,000 phytonutrients and only small percentages have been discovered.

-Nicholas Blott