Thursday 11 April 2013

Vanilla Greek Yogurt = Excellent Pre-Workout Meal

Recipe: 1 cup non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt and 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
Best for: Muscle building and circuit training. For endurance, add a banana. Consume 30-60 minutes before exercise.
Calories: 173; Protein: 14 g; Fat: 0.5 g; Carbs: 28 g; Sugars: 22 g

Greek yogurt is basically made by straining ordinary yogurt to remove the whey, resulting in a thicker, creamier product. Compared to regular yogurt, Greek yogurt has almost double the protein, fewer carbs and half the sodium. Both types are considered to be good sources of calcium, but regular yogurt has about three times the amount of Greek yogurt. Plain, non-fat versions of Greek and regular yogurt have similar calorie counts per serving and contain similar quantities of beneficial probiotics. Ditch the flavored yogurt varieties that have added sugar and add your own fruit instead.

Also, remember .. Stretch before you workout!

- Alessandro Gonzales

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