Thursday 28 March 2013

Mother Nature has it Right!

 “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates, The Father of Medicine

Vitamins are not a substitute for a healthy diet. It is important to keep in mind that synthetic formulations are containing amounts micronutrients that are exceeding our daily recommended amount and are not being absorb by our bodies properly.

Our bodies are designed to obtain vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. It is also essential to maintain a healthy diet and to eat fruits and vegetables because they contain phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in plant foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grain products and legumes. Phytonutrients may help prevent disease and keep our bodies working properly.

Multivitamins cannot contain all of the phytonutrients because they have not all been discovered by scientist. There is an estimate that there are over 10,000 phytonutrients and only small percentages have been discovered.

-Nicholas Blott

Vaccines Safe or Not?

Health risk from taking vaccines.

Listen to what Rob Schneider has to say about them in the video below.

-Nicholas Blott

Getting your daily recommended amount of magnesium?

"One would not normally think that magnesium (Mg) deficiency could increase the risk of cancer while simply maintaining ideal levels can protect against cancer. Yet we will find that just as severe dehydration or asphyxiation can cause death, magnesium deficiency can directly lead to cancer. Consider, please, that over 300 enzymes and ion transports require magnesium and that its role in fatty acid and phospholipid acid metabolism affects permeability and stability of cell walls. We can readily see that magnesium deficiency would lead to physiological decline in cells, setting the stage for cancer." - Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)

-Nicholas Blott

Thursday 21 March 2013

Workout for your Day

        People seem to have the mindset that they can't work out because they're either too busy or they have no time to go to the gym. Well outlined in this post are 3 easy tips to help you incorporate a workout in your everyday life.
1. For those who commute to work, school, or just a mall to go shopping, one way to incorporate fitness is to exit the bus one or two stops before your destination and walk the rest of the way. This will help you by giving you a nice cardio workout. For those of you who drive to where you have to go, you can park at a farther parking spot and walk the rest of the way - this will also give you a workout.
2. Instead of taking your car or the bus to where you need to go, try biking or jogging! Not only will this give you a solid workout it will also save you money on gas or bus fare. If you live too far to bike or jog you can always incorporate the first step, and then either jog or bike.
3. For those of you who often need to go up or down floors, instead of taking an elevator or escalator try taking the stairs. Depending on the flight you need to reach, taking the stairs may actually save you a bit of time as well as give you a bit of a workout.
These are 3 tips to help ordinary individuals incorporate fitness into their everyday lives.

-Angelo Anor

Saturday 16 March 2013

Kinect your workout, Nike & The XBOX 360

Technology, it’s a dominating factor in most of our everyday lives, checking emails, researching a topic, or just staying in touch with the people or things we love, it’s here to stay. So why not use it to our benefit.

A new devise which was a great edition to my Xbox 360 was the Kinect. The Microsoft Kinect changed the way people experience video games and the great thing about it, when exercising it can become your own personal trainer. When you play Kinect your whole body is the controller with every jump or kick, you'll be moving your body and having fun. It's not only a good time, it's good for you. At 99.99 the Kinect is about the cost of 1 personal training session so if you own an Xbox 360 it’s definitely a must buy. Two games I can suggest is the Nike Kinect trainer and UFC trainer, both games are educational athletically, tons of fun, and an amazing advancement in technology like you never seen before. Be sure to watch the video below.  

Thanks and stay active, Vitamin L. Holden  :)

Friday 15 March 2013

Gourmet Chicken Salad Sandwich

Hello Friends, 

A very healthy and easy recipe is Gourmet Chicken Salad Sandwich! 
Try this easy recipe!

            -3/4 lb (2-3 cups) of cooked chicken, coarsely chopped
            -3 Potatoes
              -1 can on green peas
            -1 cup of pickles
              -1/4 cup of Hostess Hickory Sticks Original
             -3 Tbsp light mayonnaise
             -1 teaspoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
             -Salt and pepper to taste

-Boil the potatoes, peel the skin and grind them
-Open the can of green peas 
-Chop the cooked chicken is small squares
 -Chop the pickles in small squares
-MIX all the above ingredient
-Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and 1 teaspoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice

How about making a sandwich on a whole wheat bun, and add some lettuce and Hickory sticks for taste.
I hope you like this recipe as much as I do! 

Sincerely Vitamin L, :)


Tuesday 12 March 2013


Sincerely Vitamin L  :) 

Nice weather is here!

Hello Everyone,

Spring is around the corner and we should step it up and be more active.
Activities in the community are taking place all the time! Why not get involved in organized sports.
This spring I have decided to join a local baseball team. It came to my surprise the popularity of the league and how many members it had. Many activities can be found at your local community center suitable to all ages.

Some suggestions are:
-       Bike riding in the park
-       Charity bike-athon, (Ride for Heart)
-       Hiking
-       Swimming
-       Roller blading.
-       Jugging / Walking

Remember,The less you do, the less you wanna do!

Sincerely, Vitamin L :)

Sunday 10 March 2013

How are you adjusting to the time change?

The time adjustment happens twice a year, November and    March to help us adapt to the season change. Today, Canadians moved their clock an hour ahead.
So how are you adjusting to the time change?              Let us WATCH! Click here
Remember you should be getting at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night.
Sincerely, Vitamin L :)