Saturday 9 March 2013

Spring-Cleaning - DeToX

Hi Everyone, 

Spring is around the corner and this is a great time to give a spring-cleaning to your body and Detox! Along with regular exercising, some foods listed below, would help with detoxifying and help you feel good both inside and out!   

Below are list that will help with the detox plan:

1. Green vegetables: Green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli or celery help eliminate toxins in the    body. Try eating them raw in salad or a juice.

2. Garlic: Garlic helps stimulate the liver by producing enzymes that help filter toxins.
3. Green tea: Rich in antioxidants and speeds up liver activity.
4. Cabbage: Rich in vitamin C and activates the detoxifying enzymes in the liver.
5. Pomegranate: High antioxidants and assist in the detox process.
6. Lemons: Rich in vitamin C and converts toxins into a water-soluble form that can be easily eliminated from the body. Try making a fresh lemon juice, (Lemon & Water) to keep you hydrated.
7. Apples:  Apples are high in fibre and can help remove food additives from the body.

I hope these detox methods will be helpful to you. Remember, once you get rid of all the unhealthy chemicals and toxins from your body, you will feel rejuvenated and have more energy! 
Do you like to read more? CLICK HERE

Have a great weekend!
Vitamin L :)

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