Saturday 16 March 2013

Kinect your workout, Nike & The XBOX 360

Technology, it’s a dominating factor in most of our everyday lives, checking emails, researching a topic, or just staying in touch with the people or things we love, it’s here to stay. So why not use it to our benefit.

A new devise which was a great edition to my Xbox 360 was the Kinect. The Microsoft Kinect changed the way people experience video games and the great thing about it, when exercising it can become your own personal trainer. When you play Kinect your whole body is the controller with every jump or kick, you'll be moving your body and having fun. It's not only a good time, it's good for you. At 99.99 the Kinect is about the cost of 1 personal training session so if you own an Xbox 360 it’s definitely a must buy. Two games I can suggest is the Nike Kinect trainer and UFC trainer, both games are educational athletically, tons of fun, and an amazing advancement in technology like you never seen before. Be sure to watch the video below.  

Thanks and stay active, Vitamin L. Holden  :)

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