Wednesday 6 March 2013

New Year Resolution Re-cap!

Every year we make New Year’s resolutions and vast majority of us are not successful in keeping and achieving the goal. Around 45% make New Year resolution and break it! So are you sticking to your NY resolution? Do you make the same resolution each year?  Are you closer to your new year resolution?

We should follow the below strategies to help us reach our resolution. Click Here

1.  Be specific and set realistic goals.
For example, don’t resolve to “Drink more water” or “Go to the gym more”. The resolution should be very specific! “Drink 6 cups of water a day” or “Go to they gym on Mondays, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for hour an half.”

2. Write it down. Write down a list of New Year's Resolutions. It is a good idea to get them all out of your head and written on paper.

3. Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it’s much easier to achieve it. It is not a bad idea to refer to your NY on weekly basis.

4. Hold yourself accountable. Tell your friend about your resolution or join a like-minded group. Communicating your resolution and intentions actually increases your accountability to the behaviour. From the very beginning it is important to share your objectives Knowing that you are accountable to someone other than yourself will motivate you to keep your goal.

New Year’s Resolutions: New Year, New You!

Try these and hope it will help you achieve your goal.  Let us keep our enthusiasm and stick with your goal!!

Good Luck :)
Sincerely, Vitamin L 

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